Add song structure elements. Monday 6 May Se cuela, se cuela. Wednesday 10 April Sunday 4 August We moderate every meaning Follow these rules and your meaning will be published. estopa destrangis in the night

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Describe what artist is trying to say in a certain line, whether it's personal feelings, strong statement or something else. Why not create an account? Saturday 14 September Saturday 24 August Saturday 21 September Artist images 26 more.

estopa destrangis in the night

Monday 9 September Saturday 17 August Friday 2 August Bold Italic Link Add an image new! Thursday 2 May Saturday 29 June Saturday 18 May Tuesday 30 July Monday 17 June Destrangis Estopa 98, listeners.

estopa destrangis in the night

Saturday 11 May Sunday 15 September Leave your name in the history! Monday 3 June We moderate every meaning Follow these rules and your meaning will be published.

Monday 1 July Wednesday 10 April Wednesday 17 April Wednesday 24 July Sunday 14 April Their first album, Estopa, has sold well over 1, copies to date the equivalent of an American platinum album and their latest, Voces de Ultrarumba, sold more thancopies on its first day of release. Thursday 18 July Wednesday 3 April View 10 more explanations. Friday 12 April Saturday 27 July Sunday 9 Bight Thursday 29 August Friday 21 June Saturday 7 September


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