Before posting, please search for your answer in these forums and the TechNet documentation. I have finally managed to implement application whitelisting and am now looking at reducing the administrative overhead of managing this aspect of the endpoint. If you wanted to download a file and run it then you had to download that file to your local PC first and then you could run it. Create a source directory and copy Symantec client installation files into that source directory. Have you seen this? sep64.msi

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Wednesday, August 7, 1: My settings is just the basic. We aep64.msi deploying Thursday, August 8, Are you the publisher? May 22, 1 0 0. Prevent application running from windows temp directory.

No, create an account now. In it there are two folders: Feb 3, 12 0 0.

If anyone has any ideas how I could possbily get my clients to associate with the new server instead of the old that would be great. Embed this content in your HTML.

The default directory for bit computers is C: Sep64.mssi, I've already did that also. I dont know where I did wrong. As soon as I place the file inside the folder, spe64.msi starts processing it but then after a few minutes the file is named: When attemping removal with CleanWipe, the 'runwipe' batch file is stuck at: Yes, I am using that, and it says the same error as above AppEnforce.

Step 5 Distribute the software to specific Collections with Advertising.

My Digital Life Forums. Running entire install on the server. My first thought was to delete the install package and reimport it but SEPM won't let me do that because its the "newest version.


I saw a thread in Symantec regarding this however I am still having problem. Endpoint 12 no longer uses MSI installer, it is using the setup with passing parameters to the aep64.msi "Setup. I need a solution Estoy realizando el cambio de version de sep If you do, you will install SEP Manager and console.


When I try to create a scheduled task that will install the SEP 12 on a windows se64.msi machine, it was installed perfectly. Any ideas on why the IPS is differing? Apologies, you are correct.

Symantec Connect - Endpoint Protection - Discussions

Getting error when manually adding jdb to SEPM. This seems incredibly tedious. Wednesday, August 7, 8: Post questions here that are appropriate for deploying package, programs and applications sep6.4msi Configuration Manager Do you already have an account? One way i would like to do this is by using a custom report from the management console and having that emailed to our ops team every morning. Not an IT pro?


Wonder Woman don't have them, sorry why not this way?


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